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Thursday, April 3, 1952
94th Day- 272 Days to Follow

A beautiful day. Will have to go in town sometime today. Went to the bank. Was not in town an hour this P.M.  Paid the car payment. Then got me a pr of hose and Peg a belt, got some cheese so I could have macaroni and cheese for supper. Also Slaw, Peaches and Crackers. That's all. Joe brought Peg home and was here for supper.

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Friday, April 4, 1952
95th Day-271 Days to Follow

Showery, worked around but did not get all done I wanted. Went to music Festival at Belle Center It was lovely. Was quite proud of Z boys. It poured all the time. Gwynn got in at 12.30 from atterbury.

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