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The following announcement appeared in the November 29, 1940 Erie Works News. This promotion to head of the Industrial Haulage Section of the General Electric Transportation Department was probably the most important one I ever got because it got me started on the GE managerial ladder, which was very nearly a necessity if one were to rise significantly in the Company. Prior to this appointment I had been an "individual contributor" and unless you happened to be Nobel prize winning scientist or something equally illustrious, there were fairly stringent limitations upon your ceiling as an individual contributor.

[[newsclipping pasted in]]
][[boxed]]F.H. Craton Section Head In Transportation Dept.[[/boxed]]
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Forman H. Cranton has been appointed section head of the Industrial Haulage Section of the Transportation Dept. The appointment was effective Nov. 18th. Mr. Craton's office is on the fourth floor of Bldg. 14.

Mr. Craton has been with General Electric since 1924 when he joined the Factory Management Course at Schenectady after being graduated from Syracuse University with the degree of mechanical engineer. Following this he was a member of the regular G-E testing course.

Transfers to Erie

After about four years' work on the design of railway motors and control, Mr. Craton was transferred to the Transportation Commercial Engineering Department where he has been identified with important work on the New York Central, Cleveland Union Terminal, and New York, New Haven & Hartford electrifications, and more recently on industrial and railway applications of diesel-electric locomotives.

Mr. Craton is a member of the American Institute of Electrical
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[[photograph of head and shoulders]]
F.H. Craton

Engineers, past chairman of the Erie section, and has presented several papers before the national body.
[[end column 2]]

In the 29 months of daily diary between July 1938 and November 1940, there is a fairly complete blow-by-blow description of my gradual ascension which culminated in the above announcement. However, I doubt if a clear picture is presented of the organization of the department at that particular time nor the scope and personnel of the Industrial Haulage Section. In fact,