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run over and killed his infant daughter and  never recovered from it, remaining embittered against life and a scheme of things that could allow such a thing to happen. He had six sons but I don't know where the daughter fitted into the line; it's easy to imagine she might have been either the oldest or the youngest. Of course, Shap's reputation was well known and there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to have a tartar to handle when I moved into Shap's orbit. I thought a good deal about what lay ahead and decided I'd make the winning of Shap a challenge.  I know this may sound a bit sappy but I sincerely wanted to convert Shap and particularly to keep him in the organization because we needed him. During the next few years I was sorely tried by Shap as my diary shows but in spite of everything he stayed on, did good work, and remained until normal retirement about 1949, when I'd moved up to Sales Manager of the entire Transportation operation. Shap lived to be very close to 90 and in quite good health. He died only about three years ago. At the funeral home, I explained to one of his sons that his father and I had been "associates" at GE many years before and I had been very fond of him--and I think that was true after all the smoke blew away. The following picture of Shap and me was taken at Shap's retirement party in 1949:
[[photo of two men holding hands]]
[[caption: Forie Craton George Shapter]]