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[[image - black  white photograph of 3 men at a head table with spray of flowers. Man on left is standing; the other two are seated. In the foreground are two men on either side, backs to the camera.]]
[[caption]] ^[[Henry Dixie Douds  Whitey   Lynch.]] [[/caption]]

[[image - black  white photograph of three men and a woman seated at a head table with spray of flowers. The man is standing between two seated men with the woman on the far right. In the foreground are two men on either side, backs to the camera.]]
[[caption]] ^[[~ Henry Dixie   Douds   Whitey   Marie Carr  Lynch.]]  [[/caption]]

Whitey Wilson and Henry Guy appear to be lighting cigarettes and getting prepared for the speeches. In neither picture is Henry showing any particular interest in what's going on at the head table and I think this was typical because Henry was usually bored to extinction at such affairs as this with his beloved martinis unavailable. And poor Douds seems to be getting little or no attention from anyone. Marie Carr, at the extreme right at the head table was Dixie's secretary who'd been in our operations for years, was a good scout, a widow and sister of Frank Brinig, the president of the Erie City Iron Works. She'd worked for Rudy Krape for a while when I was with him and I knew her very well. In the first picture, we see the back of Handsome Wayne Lynch who was to get into some rough waters in the near future if he hadn't already. I'll say more about this later because it was like a tale out of TRUE STORY MAGAZINE. One of the other shots shows Frank Sahlman sitting at the extreme left end of the head table where a beer bottle may be seen but no Frank. This was characteristic because Frank for decades suffered from an uncontrollable desire to go to the can immediately after eating, in fact, even today in his mid-70s, he still has this affliction, if it is an affliction.