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personally collected from each of us.  Walt didn't divide the total by the number of people there and charge an average; he kept track of what each person had including drinks and they paid for theirs.  The main reason for this was that Walt drank ginger ale and was unwilling to share the cost of anyone else's more expensive drink, and the same went for the dinner.  So the Harris contribution to the evening was supplying the Kahkwa Club and this cost them nothing since they already belonged to it.  This was a typical Walt Harris maneuver to husband his money.  But most of these parties were great fun and we let our hair down.  One example of this occurred at a part at Reeds where Lee Tarno and I swapped pants, it being a hot night and I having worn white swimming trunks.  I don't see yet how Lee got my trunks on.  This was in August 1956 when Whitey Wilson was in Crotonville and I was acting general manager of the L&CE Department and reporting to Bob Paxton, the executive vice president in New York.  I wonder what Bob would have thought if he could have seen me that evening.  The incident has been preserved in the following photo:

[[image - two men standing outside]]

^[[Forie Craton    Lee Tarno]]

A little more about the Tarnos.  They had a son, Lee, Jr., better known as Buzz, about Rog's age.  Buzz was and is a fine guy who also took up dentistry and went in with Lee, now being about