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on a very interesting one.  Dick has long been a hobbyist.  He is a "rock hound" and an antique car enthusiast and these hobbies are not pursued in a purely academic way but actively by collecting and analyzing rocks and by owning an antique car which he takes on Glidden Tours and enters into competition.  He has been retired for several years but is still brimming with energy and active in all sorts of places from the historical society to Presbyterian Home.  He is considerate, helpful and usually inclined to be a bit serious.  A comment on his health: he has never smoked and has always been a light drinker which might have something to do with his present condition.  I have never begun to know Marion as well as her sister, Barbara.  We've been good friends for many years but somehow I've never learned to feel completely at home and at ease with her.  I don't know why because there is no obvious reason.  The result of this is that I don't know much about her.  She and Dick had two sons, Dick, Jr. and Jimmie, and a daughter, Ann.  It must have been ten or more years ago that Jimmie came down with Hodgkin's disease and soon died and this has been the Lamborn's great tragedy.  Dick, Jr. lives in California where he married an unusual and arty girl and they now have one child.  Ann had a brilliant scientific mind and wound up at Brookhaven National Laboratory where she worked on the atomic accelerator and nuclear physics only to decide she'd give this up for marriage.  And she married someone who, at first thought, might be considered an unlikely choice, Fred Baker, the once-mutilated son of Henry and Maryan, and now an MD working for a hospital equipment company in Topeka.  They have three small children.  And so Marion and Dick seem to be moving on into their old age in very good shape physically and financially.  The tragedy of Jimmie has gradually faded away over the years and I believe they are quite happy with things as they are now.
  Following is another picture of the gang about this time less the Surdys.  This was taken at a husband-party held up at the Collins mansion:

[[image - group photo outdoors]]