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[[photo - group of adults]]
^[[l to r: Forie Craton, Lee Tarno Hattie McKinney, Ed Baker, Bill Collins, Dean McK. Roz and Walt Harris, Barbara Reed, Rosamond Tarno, Marion Lamborn, Dick Lamborn, Fred Bush, Charlie Reed.]]

^[[l to r: Rosamond Tarno, Walt Harris, Marion Lamborn, Lee Tarno, Ann Baker, Harriet Collins, Dick Lamborn.]]

I've strayed rather far afield timewise from the year 1941 about which this primarily is being written but I couldn't resist the temptation to draw in a few things outside the time span. This is particularly true when I reflect that I gave up my diary almost completely from 1947 to 1962 when I retired and these comments plus the BOATING wheeze, the Latin American trip account and the story of my first trip to Australia do a little to fill in this long blank in the record.