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I shall end this account of 1941 with the almost unbelievable news of December 7th. It was a cold Sunday. All of us had gone out for a ride in the Dodge and had taken a turn around the Peninsula in the afternoon. On the way home, we pulled into Ray Felbinger's gas station near 8th & Delaware to fill the tank. I stopped beside a pump, the fat attendant came out, I lowered the window to tell him what to do. But before I could say anything, he said excitedly to us, "Did you hear the radio a few minutes ago?" We said no and he added breathlessly, "The Japs are bombing Pearl Harbor!" It seemed so incredible that we thought at first it must be a hoax of some sort. Entrance into the war in Europe had been expected but Americans hadn't been conditioned to war suddenly breaking out in the Pacific and particularly to have it start with the Japs attacking Hawaii. It was probably the most amazing and utterly unbelievable piece of news in American history. We drove slowly home, stunned.