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Erie. Pa. 
Friday, July 17, 1942

[[red open bracket]] This 1942 home vacation of mine is drawing rapidly to a close, having started July 4 and running two weeks. I have played golf, swum, worked around the place, played ball with Rog, gone to the ball games, visited Mother at the hospital, read and taken it easy - but not much of the latter, so I think I'll start now to taper off and rest up for work Monday - and [[underlined in red]] Monday night I'm off [[/underlined in red]] for Washington and a return engagement on WPB [[underlined in red]] I think as Charlie Creasser, [[/underlined in red]] new Section Chief has asked Whitey for my services in straightening out the "small locomotive mess." Phil Reed has gone to London, giving up his WPB job, so now I can go back at least as a [[underlined in red]] Technical Consultant [[/underlined in red]]. More of all that next week.

Today it is 90° in the shade and sultry, the most uncomfortable day of the summer here. Saw Mother this morning and she is all ready to leave the hospital - so she thinks - but it would be folly for her to leave yet; she's been there only two weeks today and while much improved, is still in need of greatly increased improvement. Furthermore, it is absolutely essential that Willie have a respite from care of her this summer or I fear she may cave in nervously and physically; she has lost about five pounds in the past few months due largely I am sure to nervous strain caused by Mother's condition and me away almost continuously. 

Went to the beach this afternoon where it was much cooler than in the city and the water delightful. It is lovely out there - the blue sky and bluer lake, the clean air, the sun, the wind, the far away stretches of sky and sea - most refreshing after the strain and worry of life nowadays. The war in Russia and Egypt is ominous for us now. 

Transcription Notes:
[[all underlining in this page is in red pencil]]