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The Colonel is with us for July as usual and seems in excellent shape - changes little from year to year although he will be 68 in about a week. We all had a delicious dinner at the Den this evening to help give Willie a respite from cooking, saw Norma Shearer (face beginning to sag but still a fine actress) and Melvyn Douglas (getting to look rather Hebrewish as he grows older) in Noel Coward's "We Were Dancing", and I finished the evening reading Steven Longstreet's "Last Man Around the World" a fascinating travelogue of a trip which he thinks might be the last of its kind - on a luxury liner before all hell broke loose in 1939. I should like to take such a trip someday but probably never shall. 

Erie. Pa. 
Saturday, July 18, 1942

Took Bab and Rog to play the 18 hole miniature golf [[strikethrough]] g[[/strikethrough]] course in Tracydale this morning - Rog's first golf and he was rather good - got 112 - for a first attempt and using clubs a mile too big for him. 

My vacation is drawing to a close and it disturbs me that my physical trouble is worse today than it has been at any time this summer. It was gone almost all winter but as the warm weather came on, it began to bother again just as last summer. I went to Dr. Gage several times about it last year and after examining me thoroughly and finding me in fundamentally good condition he ceased to take the trouble seriously even though several medicines he gave me did no good. He recommended certain things to avoid eating, wearing a supporter, etc. all of which seem to help sometimes and sometimes not. One of these days I shall have to go after the thing in earnest and clean it up.