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we should have felt guilty about using unnecessary rubber. Gasoline is not rationed in this section because of the proximity of the Pennsylvania field. 

We really enjoyed the ride. It was a novelty to drive in the country again and the ride to Buffalo on the lake Road is hard to beat any way in this part of the country. We drove near 35 MPH most of the time, slowly enough to let us absorb the beauty of the country side - the big white woolly clouds rolled up over the Chautauqua hills (looked, said Willie, like the would be wonderfully comfortable to lie down in) - the clean blue lake and the freighters way out near the horizon (made us wish for the South American again) -  Barcelona Light on its green bluff over the copper colored water near the historic shore along there -- the mills breaking the Lackawanna skyline -- the lovely orchards and vineyards near North East, black cherries heavy on the branches and no one to pick them - the trees and hills and fields of the rich lake country all along our way. It was wonderful and made us wish that life were like it used to be. 

The usual Lorenzo dinner - antipasto, minestrone, spaghetti Lorenzo, filet mignon, spumoni, etc. left us gasping for a clear breath as always and took about two hours to down after a domestic champagne cocktail (still 25ยข). We returned to the car which had performed like a top all the way up. I stepped on the started and when the engine caught it roared up to terrific speed! -- I had to turn off the ignition to get it down. The accelerator would not return to idling position and after a diligent search under the hood I was unable to find the trouble. Frantic phone calls to Dodge dealers, Chrysler dealers, miscellaneous garages, etc. failed to locate a mechanic until