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Read some notes in the pocket of my journal tonight in my berth - written on "61 nights" in Schenectady back in 1925 - notes in Erie in 1931 in the depths of the depression - in all of them, even then, I was groping for a better way of living knowing full well it was what I needed, wanted. I have never attained what I wanted and am still groping, grasping, trying to achieve a game of life that will be what I pictured back in 1923 and 1924 at Shoals - "The Shoals game" - and when I do - and I will - I shall at least feel I have accomplished some thing in life very worthwhile. In there too were two letters from Doris, it seemed hard to believe she had written them and has been dead these long years - what have I to complain about? 

Washington, D.C. 
Tuesday, July 21. 42. 
Awakened at [[underlined in red]] 6AM [[/underlined in red]] to see the [[underlined in red]] pink dawn over the mountains [[/underlined in red]] and here and there the [[underlined in red]] rising sun [[/underlined in red]] slanting down the [[underlined in red]] wooded valleys [[/underlined in red]] - but I couldn't tell where we were. I went to sleep again and woke at [[underlined in red]] Sunbury [[/underlined in red]], got up, dressed and went into [[underlined in red]] Eddie's diner [[/underlined in red]] still attached. Had breakfast [[underlined in red]] rolling down [[/underlined in red]] the banks [[underlined in red] of the Susquehanna and [[/underlined in red]] on a smaller it is much like the Water Level Route through the Highlands [[underlined in red]] of the Hudson [[/underlined in red]]. Saw a lot of the Pennsy I'd never seen before because have always travelled it at night and we arrived in Washington about [[underlined in red]] 12:15 PM [[/underlined red]], [[underlined in red]] five hours late, [[/underlined in red]] a record even for the "Puddlejumper."

The [[underlined in red]] gang at the office [[/underlined in red]] seemed glad to see me back and commented unanimously and voluntarily on how well I look and how brown. Had lunch at the [[underlined in red]] Madrillon [[/underlined in red]] to pick up some [[underlined in red]] quill toothpicks [[/underlined in red]] 

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Transcription Notes:
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