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It turned out to be a fair fling too - four powerful Cutty Sarks at the Mayflower, dinner at [[underlined in red] Harvey's [[/underlined in red]] including a [[underlined in red]] "Presidente" [[/underlined in red]], (some powerful cocktail that almost floored me), a stein of [[underlined in red]] dark beer [[/underlined in red]], and then more [[underlined in red]] scotch at Arch Tarry's suite in the Carlton until 12:30 AM. Rachel stuck it out [[/underlined in red]] and is a good scout and a good drinker. She is what I call a big, handsome, wholesome girl - 26 - well educated, well travelled abroad, but no airs - just the real thing. She does wonders for IGE here, speaks Spanish well and follows the South and Central American work - can get more done frequently than a man and has an expense account. I see now why they pick 'em good looking and intelligent. [[underlined in red]] Rachel is engaged [[/underlined in red]] to a first lieutenant in Texas and is marrying him soon so she says - doesn't care if he will leave soon - [[underlined in red]] is going to have what happiness [[/underlined in red]] she can with him before he leaves for god knows where.

[[underlined in red]] Siena [[/underlined in red]] is a very intelligent Mexican, 28, American educated. Travelled all over Europe and South America not to mention the U.S. - a keen mind, ready wit, charming to talk to - just another example of the fact we Americans haven't any monopoly on brains and charm. He predicts that [[underlined in red]] when the war is over, Canada[[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]]Australia[[/underlined in red]] will be associated more closely with the U.S. [[underlined in red]] than England [[/underlined in red]], that England will [[underlined in red]] lose India [[/underlined in red]] but retain a big hand in [[underlined in red]] Africa.[[/underlined in red]] It was a very interesting evening including the sojourn in the Tarry suite which he shares with Jack Horner (G.E.) in WPB Power Branch. A living room complete with baby grand is included.