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[[red underlined]] Saw Mother this afternoon [[/red underlined]] and she was sitting up and dressed, looking much better, and was out for a short walk yesterday. Of course, she is very uneasy and wants to leave the hospital at once but I hope I can persuade her to stay for a couple of weeks yet so Willie can have a little vacation first. 

[[red underlined]] Went to the Churches tonight [[/red underlined]] to a bridge party for Mrs. Frye, Chuck's mother - Kjobeths, Greers, Cratons, Colonel, Elsa and Chuck made up very jolly party egged on by tall bourbon highballs. Home at 1:30AM very late for us nowadays. 

En route to Washington, 
Sunday, July 26, 1942, 

[[red underlined]] Whitey phoned me at 10AM [[/red underlined]] to say that C.E. Wilson had lunch with Donald Nelson and Jim Knowlson Friday and told them that if, after checking my case, they still [[lines  highlighted by red vertical line in margin]] want me. [[several lines highlighted by vertical line in margin]] [[red underlined]] I can go on "$ a year"; [[/red underlined]] that probably means I shall go because I know Charlie wants me badly. Whitey says CEW told Nelson he thought the GE had had pretty shoddy treatment from the government and I guess that's true enough. So tomorrow I see Charlie and if he says OK, I sign up, shall be glad to get it settled. [[red underlined]] Spent time tonight on the train [[/red underlined]] making some preliminary plans for what to do and am beginning to feel enthused even after talking to Clarence Jones, $ a year telephone man from Erie in WPB who says he is disillusioned and disgusted but won't quit because he doesn't want to be a quitter; we had quite a talk on the Oil City platform after the slowest train ride from Corry to Oil City I ever took -- I could have walked it about as fast. [[/lines highlighted]]

[[next lines highlighted by red vertical line in margin]] Roy was taken to Sunset Camp at Edinboro this morning and deposited there, so thrilled he could barely take time to say goodbye to us when we left. I have hopes it will do him a world of good. [[/lines highlighted]]

Transcription Notes:
The "red" is unnecessary for the underline, but it does not seem important enough to spend time making the corrections. It would be nice if there were a way to make "global" corrections. At first I was putting it in, since we don't know what he meant by the red underlining, it could be important..then I changed my mind but didn't think it worth changing previous ones. Relevant question: in general in transcribing, should show that an underline is separate from the original writing, as this presumably is? E.g.^[[underline]], or doesn't it matter?