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Washington D.C.
Tuesday, July 28, 1942.

Spent the day struggling with the small builders' schedules and found them hopelessly messed up so [[red underline]] called Plymouth, [[/red underline]] Vulcan, Porter, Davenport and Brookville on the phone and demanded they have men here on Thursday with up-to-date schedules. We have been going through a lot of stuff and after looking over a number of letters from outside, Joe Rowbottom, who is funny as a crutch anyway, made the prize remark -- [[red underline]] "What the hell did Hanly do [[/red underline]] with all these letters when they came in? Looks to me like he just read 'em, said, 'Oh -!' and threw 'em in the file basket."

[[red underline]] Charlie Whitehead [[/red underline]] came in today and was very cordial with me, called me "Crate" and I think we'll get along well together. As I get it he is supposed to be the master mind running the section now under Charlie Creasser. It is funny but when Whitehead first entered the picture in June I feared he would upset us terribly - now I believe he was instrumental to some extent in getting me down here. 

[[red underline]] Stevenson is in the hospital [[/red underline]] with a bum back - may be sacroilliac trouble - so haven't yet got acquainted with him. That will be interesting. 

Marshall Raymond, Joe Rowbottom, Ed Hanley and I had some drinks again in the Mayflower bar and dinner at [[red underline]] Harveys [[/red underline]] where we had the next table to [[red underline]] J. Edgar Hoover [[/red underline]] and party including a fellow I think was "Happy" Chandler but Ed though was Hoover's bodyguard. Home early and to bed at 10:30 - I needed it after last night. [[red close bracket at end of line]]

Washington. D.C. 
Wednesday, July 29, 1942
Spent the day on bringing records up to date and making plans. I have sold the boys my 

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