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Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, Aug. 5, '42.

As I walked out of the Carlton this morning at 7:30, [[underline]]Donald Nelson[[/underline]] walked in - first time I had seen him and except for being taller, his whole appearance and stride and build made me think of Bill Hamilton. Apparently he was showing up for a [[underline]]conference[[/underline]] - believe there was one on [[underline]] rubber today[[/underline]] - shall they force the cars off the road by [[underline]]nationwide gas rationing,[[/underline]] and thereby conserve the only natural rubber supply we have left, the tires on the [[underline]]20 odd million[[/underline]] cars in the country. [[underline]]Politics are strong[[/underline]] in all this - [[underline]]too much politics and not enough realism[[/underline]] - if we should lose this war it will be the politicians fault largely.

I walked [[underline]]down to our new offices at 22nd[[/underline]] and Virginia in a new apartment house. We are taking over the floor which Elmer Davis and his crowd had and they are moving over to Railroad Retirement which we left! [[ (]]I am in an office formerly occupied by Capt. Robert Kintner of columnist fame. The place was topsy-turvy, and it took most of the day to get any semblance of order into the office. We have three rooms, a good thing, because Charlie Creasser can seclude himself at last. Marshall, Joe, Vic and I are in one room with Dorothy Fairbanks as secretary and Sylvia PD1a clerk. It is a nice set-up but no air-conditioning and frightfully noisy -- almost impossible to talk over phone without shielding mouthpiece and then difficult. Understand we are to move again soon to [[underline]]Municipal Bldg [[/underline]]. which may be better. Also talk of moving to [[underline]] Chicago [[/underline]]!

Charlie spent day battling for [[underline]] PRP ratings[[/underline]] and came back late to announce we would get a [[underline]]AA2X[[/underline]]

Transcription Notes:
Removed unnecessary ^ marks.