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^[[ ( ]]Had breakfast with ^[[underline]]Grace and Frank Headley[[/underline]] who arrived last night - he on business and she on a little outing while the daughter is in camp. Frank has had ^[[underline]]a promotion[[/underline]] and now is Sam's assistant as nearly as I can make it out. George Hill is now in Boston getting ready to take over there when Eddie Gunn leaves to understudy Fred Gantt at Cleveland. Roy Goggin will probably go into the Industrial Dept. at Boston when he comes back from the war.^[[ )]]

Worked most of day on ^[[underline]]material estimates[[/underline]] for Charlie Creasser, slipped out to ^[[underline]]L'Escargot for dinner,[[/underline]] and then back to ^[[underline]]work until 10:30 PM[[/underline]] my latest session so far. Also rounded up a couple of ^[[underline]]Kardex file cabinets[[/underline]] that used to hold "Little PURP" (small builder's PRP) and we can now have since "Little PURP" is going out. ^[[underline]]Soon we'll have a system set up that will be a wow for running this business[[/underline]]. In the material figuring session, I ^[[underline]]worked with Ed Harley and Vic Remix[[/underline]] and soon found myself ^[[underline]]taking the lead in the job[[/underline]]! I really think I saw the whole picture more clearly than Ed and Vic. I am getting happier about all this because I feel that once I get my teeth really into this job, I can do something to be proud of.

Had a nightcap with Frank, Grace and Grace's cousin, Miss Van Dusen, down in Carlton bar. While waiting for the girls to join us in the lobby, Frank and I saw ^[[underline]]Donald Nelson[[/underline]] walk in with a tall, attractive young girl (maybe his daughter) and they were soon joined by old Barney Baruch - all three then got into the the elevator and disappeared. Barney is talked of as possible head of the Economic High Command - now 72, he carries his 6 ft. 3 in. erect and appears very active and strong.