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Worked all day trying to find how we can build [[red underline]] 300 0-6-0 side tank steam engines for the War Dept. [[red underline]] by July 1, 1943. [[red underline]] Tom Evans of Porter, [[/red underline]] when I suggested he might have to turn his entire capacity over to the job, revealed that he wanted to keep a few diesels in the picture although G.E. probably would be delighted to see him fade out on them - that's like Tom. One walks a treacherous path down here in spite of all virtue and good intentions. [[closed red bracket]]

[[Open red bracket]] This evening we [[red underline]] got acquainted with Mat Tate [[/red underline]] of Lima the quick way. He, Marshall, Frank Headley and I met at the Willard about 8:30 (direct from work) for a couple of drinks - at one o'clock I left them and staggered to the Carlton, or rather Lafayette, sans dinner and went to bed damning everybody and everything. No one could ever agree on a time to eat and the result was we never did eat. The first time that this happened to me in a long time. Will there be no end to it? [[closed red bracket]]

Washington D.C. 
Friday, Aug. 14, 1943

Today I attended my first [[red underline]] Locomotive Allocation Committee Meeting [[/red underline]] where the next month's locomotives are divided up and all the branches of the government have a representative to speak for his branch. It was really pitiful to see the Army represented by Col. Seybold.  Major McLeod and Capt. Baldwin and Capt. Harris grab everything bearing a resemblance of being undefended. The poor railroads and industrial were weakly represented by ODT and OCS and DPC and they got the ax in a number