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Washington D.C. 
Saturday, Aug. 15 '42. 

Moved over to the [[red underline]] Carlton [[/red underline]] again today into 703 with Jack Casey in 705 - it satisfies my ego to stay at the Carlton and besides I don't like the odor in the Layfayette lobby - however it has a few good points. 

John [[red underline]] Dickinson [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] Lima was [[/red underline]] in today as well as Foley and the Baldwin gang, [[red underline]] discussing the Army program for 1943 [[/red underline]]. Alco claimed they could build them all much to the amusement of all. Dickinson took us all to lunch in the drugstore and got hooked for Stevenson, Helsper et al. - I think [[red underline]] Stevenson may be a pretty good bird [[/red underline]] - they say he wants to throw [[red underline]] a party for his gang [[/red underline]] - that will be something - he doesn't know the capacity of many of them I'll wager. 

Marshall and Charlie and I worked until 5:30, the rest having left town for the weekend. [[red underline]] Vic went to Chicago [[/red underline]] on account of his boy but understands he's much better. [[red underline]] This evening Marshall and I [[/red underline]] had about three scotches, some clams down at the waterfront and [[red underline]] then took the boatride [[/red underline]], having dinner on the boat - [[red underline]] "Chicken in the Woodpile" [[/red underline]]  not too good.  We admired the 1880 engine with 12' stroke and 6' low pressure cylinder. It was delightfully cool after a hot sticky day and we just sat on deck and enjoyed the relaxation and talked - didn't even bother to watch the fearful and wonderful jitterbugging that always goes on on these boats. [[red underline]] A very nice evening [[/red underline]] and a sensible one. 

Washington, D.C. 
Sunday Aug. 16. '42

[[red underline]] Charlie Creasser picked Marsh and me up at [[/red underline]] 9:30 AM with his wife, a wholesome, pleasant plump little lady and we all had [[red underline]] breakfast [[/red underline]]