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[[red underline]] at the Zoo [[/red underline]]- I ordered tomato juice, grape nuts, omelette, toast and milk and got orange juice, ham and eggs, toast and coffee - but it was good and it also was a very delightful spot to have breakfast out in the open near the duck pond on a nice screened porch. After breakfast we took a long, leisurely drive through [[red underline]] Rock Creek Park,[[/red underline]] lush and green in midsummer after all the recent rain - it was great to see some open spaces again even if they were only a few pleasant glades in the park - a lovely place - reminded me of Cherokee in Louisville. [[red underline]] Then we went to the office and worked until 5:30 [[/red underline]] with nothing more to eat. I spent a lot of time trying to get [[red underline]] Brookville [[/red underline]] straightened out to keep them out of bankruptcy with all their export orders. [[red underline]] Earl Heath and the other [[/red underline]] mechanical builders wouldn't thank me for my trouble as they would be glad to see the baby fold any time.

[[red underline]] Marsh and I had dinner [[/red underline]] at the [[red underline]] New Orleans [[/red underline]] tonight where we spoke to the [[red underline]] Italian torch singer [[/red underline]] and she failed to remember us - but she said she remembers [[red underline]] Vic Rennix [[/red underline]] - so we have a more healthy respect now for Vic's sex appeal.

Learned today Charlie Creasser is ΦBK.

To bed at 10PM - about time! [[red bracket]]

Washington, D.C.
Monday, Aug. 17, 1942.

Warren Kelly of ODT, formerly general purchasing agent of Santa Fe and a red faced, double chinned middle aged, dissipated looking but keen Irishman, came over to try to learn about the [[red underline]] SPAB [[[/red underline]] and WPB programs which were set up for domestic locomotive construction. After a whole afternoon of poring over figures he and we had

Transcription Notes:
I was mistaken about "Learned today Charlie Creasser is ?BK." This probably means Phi Beta Kappa. Page okay.