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to admit that probably the best thing to do would be to wipe the slate clean and start all over again from scratch. Even George Cowell, who set up the SPAB program last December, couldn't remember much about it and in fact, my recollection of its basis was correct and he admitted it.

After patiently getting up a walloping [[red underline]] good form to send to the bidders for [[/red underline]] their monthly schedules, we learned upon submitting the form for printing that it had to pass through at least a [[red underline]] half dozen [[/red underline]] agencies for approval first because they have clamped down on "questionnaires" - and the chances are we wouldn't get it before a couple of months if ever! And yet we must have this information to run the Section! The [[red underline]] pendulum [[/red underline]] has swung too far the other way now. So we've got to get the dope [[red underline]] sub-rosa [[/red underline]] someway.

Marsh and I dined at [[red underline]] L'Escargot [[/red underline]] where the food is good and so is the dinner music, a good combination. And there were interesting people there - one girl who reminded me so much of [[red underline]] Doris [[/red underline]] that later I dreamed about her very vividly, seeing her again. At the next table was a handsome young [[red underline]] man who failed to stand up [[/red underline]] when a Major and his lady stopped to talk to him - we remarked to each other that he certainly wasn't very polite. When he got up to leave, he was totally crippled in the legs - could barely walk and we overheard some remarks that he was one of the greatest football players [[red underline]] Dartmouth [[/red underline]] ever had - was crippled in a [[red underline]] plane crash. [[/red underline]] I decided then that one should never jump at conclusions.

After getting to my room at 10PM and undressed, [[red underline]] Sagstetter [[/red underline]] phoned and urged me to come