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over to his apartment for a farewell drink as he's leaving tomorrow for a six months trip out west. So I finally went reluctantly - but I like Bill and didn't want to hurt his feelings. Charlie Creasser and his wife and Bob Van Zandt were there too and we had a little farewell drink - just one - and I got to bed about midnight instead of ten - but I figure it was worth it for Bill - he's a nice boy.

Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, Aug. 18, '42.

"Whitey" [[red underline]] Wilson [[/red underline]] called this morning and wanted to know my [[red underline]] status here [[/red underline]] - I told him I had signed up, he said the higher ups are raising hell again about me being here. I wish they'd shut up and forget it - it's demoralizing to me to have this continually brought up.

Had sessions with Major McLeod and [[red underline]] Lt. Comdr. Grace [[/red underline]] about army and navy locomotives. Grace is a red faced chap who might be a whiskey drinking Englishman - upturned nose and slightly diffident manner but very nice.

Had a delightful luncheon at [[red underline]] Allies Inn [[/red underline]] out in the Patio under the palms and ferns, all furnished by [[red underline]] Paul Ergott. [[/red underline]] Lima man here, who looks like Cousin Guy Barber.

Worked like a fool all day - the work is piling up - there's an immense amount of it to do [[red underline]] Mat Tate [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Joe Rowbottom [[/red underline]] are working on the [[red underline]] card file [[/red underline]] set-up, Joe cutting out the cards - "playin' paper dolls for this here hard drivin' GE man" as Joe booms.

Tonight [[red underline]] Jack Casey [[/red underline]] entertained Ed, Mat, Perlman of the D&RG and me - bought us drinks up in the room, took us to dinner and then the