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[[red underline]] Vic Rennix was back [[/red underline]] today and his boy is better and has left the hospital for which wwe were all genuinely grateful. I didn't used to care too much for Vic in the spring session but I am getting quite [[red underline]] fond of him [[/red underline]] as time goes on. 

Got the news today of the [[red underline]] first full dress rehearsal for invasion of Europe [[/red underline]] - a big Commando raid at Dieppe with a full division and 1000 allied planes for our "umbrella," lasting 9 hours and reportedly successful in destroying many German installations. We have word from Louisville that Charles may be in the great Solomon Island offensive against the Japs. [[red underline]] Charles is now a First [[/red underline]] Lieut. in the Marines. 

[[red arrow in margin pointing down 5 lines from "german installations" to "morning passed"]]

Continue to see famous people here. This morning passed [[red underline]] Admiral Leahy [[/red underline]]  apparently walking from the White House at 7:45 AM and alone - a little wrinkled, weather beaten, looking man with [[red underline]] more ribbons and gold braid than I ever saw [[/red underline]] before. And he appeared to [[red underline]] be deep in thought [[/red underline]] - perhaps the Commando said [[red underline]] wasn't as successful [[/red underline]] as the newspapers made out. 

[[Red open bracket]] Got in the elevator with young [[red underline]] Ed. Stettinius [[/red underline]] in our building the other day - Lend Lease of which he is head is also in our building. Was slightly surprised at his pock marked face and rather big head. Understand he was fresh from London via bomber the day before. 
At L'Escargot, where we dined tonight [[red underline]] Bob Feller, [[/red underline]] former Cleveland pitcher and now in the Navy, came in with an attractive girl - he's tall and broad but not as husky as I had pictured him - but very clean looking. [[Closed red bracket]]

Transcription Notes:
Missing period between "...before And..."