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Erie, Pa.
Saturday, Aug. 22, '42.

The train was on time this morning, a record! The family looked good to me at the station. ^[[red star]] [[red underline]] Babbie [[/red underline]] has had her hair cut and looked [[red underline]] like a young lady [[/red underline]] with it brushed back and wavy. I marvel at how she is blossoming out - she really is [[red underline]] lovely. 

Spent the morning giving [[/red underline]]Wilson, Geiger, Miller, [[/red underline]] et al. as much legitimate advice and information as possible. Jack is going to stay where he is - thinks his chances are better - I think he may be right.

[[red underline]] Mother [[/red underline]] is much better and her [[red underline]]ankles look almost normal; [[/red underline]] Willie says she is terribly restless but she doesn't worry and talk so much about things that might happen, which is a good thing; [[red underline]] I know Willie is unhappy [[/red underline]] about me being away so much but it just seems to be something that many a wife has to put up with on account of the war. My case at the moment isn't as bad as many - take Vic Rennix for example.

[[red underline]] Willie and Rosalind [[/red underline]] Harris had a [[red underline]] picnic [[/red underline]] this afternoon for [[underline]]Barbara Reed [[/red underline]] who is visiting Marion. It started on the beach and ended at our house on account of a near [[red underline]] cyclonic rain storm coming up. [[/red underline]] I was afraid a tree would fall on the car as we drove off the peninsula - and our cloth top affords little protection.

^[[red star]] [[red underline]] Barb looked more like a young [[/red underline]]lady than ever in her attractive [[red underline]]white bathing suit. [[/red underline]] About 9PM we went up to the [[red underline]] Lamborns for an old time Tripoley session[[/red underline]] and [[red underline]]if Charlie had been there it would have been exactly as of old before the war upset us all. [[/red underline]] As it is he is a [[red underline]]Lieut. Col. at Fort [[Story??]][[/red underline]] and may [[red underline]]be leaving for the front any time as I see[[/red underline]] it. But [[red underline]]Barbara is the same as [[/red underline]]ever - jolly and apparently carefree and it was good to see her again. She may come back to Erie with Chickie who incidentally is as spoiled as ever - a terror. 

Transcription Notes:
Changed 'underline' to 'red underline' throughout Removed red underline section from '...and...' just after '...Tripoley session...' Added red underline after '...Story...' Added red underline afer ' that...' Added red underline at '...Barbara is...'