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Washington, D.C.
Monday, Aug. 24, 1942.

George Cornell is really [[red underline]] trying to help get engines [[/red underline]]  and gave me a lead on a Major in the ANMB to whom we should present our story - and also we have to get a list of all orders affected by lack of engines on A1-a, so the builders have got to compile more voluminous data on the subject.
I got together a memo to Charlie Helsper today on all remaining [[red underline]]  foreign jobs [[/red underline]] in the small builders so he can get things moving toward a clean-up. I'm afraid some of them are going to get a bad burning on these export locomotives.

Got moving today on sending out some [[red underline]] sub-rosa forms [[/red underline]] for getting information from the builders to keep our files up-to-date properly. Charlie Creasser got them printed up some way sans official approval and we wrote a mealy mouthed letter to the builders merely [[underline]] suggesting [[/underline]] but not [[underline]] requesting [[/underline]] that they give us the dope. Questionnaires are taboo now. Somebody probably will get a [[red underline]] spanking [[/red underline]] for this move but it had to be done.

[[red underline]] Mat [[/red underline]] Tate and I ate at L'Escarot and then went back to the office and worked on our filing system until 10:30. Then met Marshall for a bottle of ale at the Mayflower before retiring. The evening papers have the [[red underline]] G.E. [[/red underline]] splashed over the front pages again about [[red underline]] price fixing [[/red underline]] on government cable orders - a silly thing to bring up now when the government has known for several years what goes on - perfectly obvious when big bids are alike to the last penny. [[red underline]] Maybe [[/red underline]]  this will bring on [[red underline]] the heat again for me [[/red underline]] to get out. Well, if it does, getting out would have its compensations - home, family, a chance to get down to work again on many things that need attention at G.E.       

Transcription Notes:
Changed 'underline' to 'red underline' where appropriate. Fixed red underline near '...the heat...' Changed 'bidders' to 'builders' as they are the subject of the paragraph. - nwmath