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Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, Aug 25, '42.

[[red underline]] Mat Tate stepped into the breech [[/red underline]] today to help me get the small builders help on material not available on A-1-a - he phoned them all and asked for 3rd quarter interims. [[red underline]] Mat has done a fine job [[/red underline]] helping to get the card file set up, a distasteful job for anyone who has had a real job before coming down here and [[red underline]] I appreciate [[/red underline]] - I haven't had time myself to do anything on it yet.

Spent most of the morning in session with Major [[red underline]] McLeod [[/red underline]] and Lt. Comdr. [[red underline]] Grace [[/red underline]] trying to clear up the [[red underline]] outstanding questions [[/red underline]] on the September shipping schedule and the [[red underline]] Navy [[/red underline]] certainly can't seem to make up its mind - not Grace's fault I guess except he ought to lay the law down to these people of his. Such indecision is terrible! They can't decide where to send available locomotives nor whether or not they want certain ones that are available!

A [[red underline]] Carnegie-Illinois [[/red underline]] man was in today complaining about how he isn't getting their [[red underline]] Porter [[/red underline]] locomotives and they are [[red underline]] losing production [[/red underline]] as a result - says they [[red underline]] have to expedite Porter's material [[/red underline]] for them. I've wondered how long it would be before we heard a kick from them. And today Evans told the Navy he could ship 2 new steams in 60 days if he could get the material! He's so loaded now with orders, he'll never get them all out.

Joe Rowbottom took us to the American Steel Foundries Carlton suite for a couple of "balls" before dinner. There we met Mrs. Sturgeon, a very attractive blond Army officer's wife who is the ASF secretary here (their office is in the suite).

Transcription Notes:
Changed 'underline' to 'red underline'