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She left early to go to the movies - but she was very good to look at while she was there. Joe confided to me after a couple of drinks that [[underline]] G.E. [[/underline]] is rapidly getting on [[underline]] ASF's "s-list [[/underline]]" because they play too much with [[underline]] Pratt & Letchworth [[/underline]], who, if G.E. only knew it, would [[underline]] soon let GE down [[/underline]] for a lot of armored casting business.

Joe Marshall and I had dinner at the New Orleans, which is changing hands and deteriorating - Dominick didn't sing, the waiter was dumb and Joe nearly scared him to death - all it wasn't as of old. But the food was good. We came out, to see the eclipse of the moon and even Joe got philosophical and astronomical as we watched the shadow creep across and leave a copper disc behind it.

Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, Aug 26 '42.

Old [[red underline]] Tom MacLachlan [[/red underline]] came in smiling this morning to get an order for [[red underline]] 50 0-6-0 [[/red underline]] switchers (he'll never get them out in the first quarter in m opinion), went over to the War Dept. and found [[red underline]] they had no authority yet [[/red underline]] to place the order! He and we were disgusted [[underline]] after having strained a gut [[/red underline]] in the last week to get things all lined up.

I spent a large part of the day getting up a [[red underline]] complete summary of diesel engine requirements [[/red underline]] for the remainder of this year and a memo for Joe Weiner and the Requirements Committee asking for an allocation - or much production will be lost because they simply are not obtainable on A-1-A. [[red underline]] I passed up a PRP meeting this afternoon [[/red underline]] to work on the job and then [[red underline]] Stevenson and Whitehead [[/red underline]] came in and talked for an hour about [[red underline]] small locomotives [[/red underline]] - first time I ever got [[red underline]] fairly close to "the boss" [[/red underline]] and I must say he seems to be a pretty good egg - was kidding me about [[red underline]] shutting GE down [[/red underline]] because they had exceeded       

Transcription Notes:
Changed 'underline' to 'red underline'