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this [[red underline]] SPAB [[/red underline]]  program but he allowed it was OK as long as they had not exceeded their SPAB [[underline]] railroad [[/underline]]  program. I don't think any of them have a clear idea of what GE's SPAB program really was supposed to be. Apparently [[red underline]]  I'm in the fold now [[/red underline]] though because Stevenson talked to me as if [[red underline]] I were running the small locomotive show [[/red underline]] - and I guess I am. 

We all had a bull session with George Cornell until 8 PM about how the [[red underline]] new PRP [[/red underline]] ought to work - and we hope it will work - [[red underline]] allotment controlled by the Branches. [[/red underline]]  

A late dinner at [[red underline]] Herzog's [[/red underline]] on the balcony - much fish odor and the food was not too good. I used to like the place but somehow I guess it was because I was pretty high when I went there. The little darkies tap dancing for pennies and nickels down below and the mad scrambles for them as they fall, the busy bridge to "Pot Yard", the planes, the river and the waterfront make it a different sort of place but if it only were a little nicer!

[[red underline]] Joe Rowbottom [[/red underline]]  as usual made the [[red underline]] prize remark of the day [[/red underline]] - "Well, there won't no GE Company pretty soon - they'll all be in jail!"  Later, - "They'll have a vice president of every penitentiary in the United States!"

In these wildly busy days of ours lately we don't have much time to think [[red underline]] about the fighting and [[/red underline]] we seldom think or talk about it. [[red underline]] The Germans are [[/red underline]] pushing the Russians back [[red underline]]  but they haven't licked them yet [[/red underline]] - and the summer is waning. [[red underline]] We are pushing the Japs back now [[/red underline]] - slowly but surely. The [[red underline]] desert war in Africa is at a standstill. [[/red underline]] The British and Americans are [[red underline]] pounding [[/red underline]]  Germany and [[red underline]] Occupied Europe unmercifully. [[/red underline]] But there's a lot of fighting and sacrificing ahead of all of us. 

Transcription Notes:
'...we love it...' to '...we hope it...' Changed 'underline' to 'red underline' where appropriate.