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for my [[underline]]"resignation" [[/underline]] from the Company is rapidly approaching. Charlie Wilson has put the job up to C.K. West and Cap Ham to [[underline]]  get all G.E. men out of government jobs. [[/underline]]  Henry Guy had written [[underline]] Shreve [[/underline]] about me resigning from NEMA because of WPB and he came back with a blast about [[underline]] hoping I would get out of WPB [[/underline]]  just as soon as possible. So how long I'll last I don't know and I'm going to try not to let it bother  me. I think if Stevenson really put up a plea for me I could be allowed to stay for a while. I told Whitey I certainly had no intention or desire to resign from the Company but I hoped I'd be permitted to stay in WPB long enough to help them [[underline]] get this locomotive mess untangled. I think they will. 

Amory Houghton, [[/underline]]   Director general for Operations, whose name I sign to all releases, has [[underline]] resigned [[/underline]] because his Company, Corning Glass Works, has been convicted on an [[underline]] anti-trust charge. [[/underline]] So apparently G.E. isn't the only one in trouble. I suppose his resignation will only add [[underline]] fuel to the flames of Charlie Wilson's [[/underline]] desire to clear the decks of GE men.

This evening we had Ben and Tony in for some bridge, which I played like a child - terrible! I need practice I guess. They told about Bob Walsh who came back a couple of months ago after nearly four years of TB in Texas. Bob is now quite an accomplished artist in water colors and is putting on a "one man show" in Cleveland soon. He is also writing novels. Evidently he made the best of his troubles and I certainly admire him and his wife. What they have gone through would have broken nine out of ten people but with them it has simply made them more aware than ever of the zest of life and they seem to be getting more out of life than most people ever even dream of getting.