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[[red arrow]] [[red underline]] Tom Evans [[/red underline]] was in this morning and Charlie read him a fair riot act about bracing up and operating under L-97 as though the thought it meant something. He explained all Tom's orders in the first quarter would have to be deferred except 0-6-0 steam and Tom seemed quite happy to have that done although in the same breath he talked as though his capacity was almost unlimited. I think personally it is a good out for him on a bunch of stuff he couldn't possibly get out as scheduled. He will have more disappointed customers than any other builder in my opinion and on my shoulders is falling the job of straightening out his mess. Charlie also talked about diesels being practically out because of engine shortages and the need for copper and alloy steel in the electrical equipment. I think he talked a lot of it for Tom's benefit to show G.E. was also having a tough time in spite of me being down here - and Tom brightened immeasurably at any suggestion GE would get it in the neck. I wrote a release letter for Tom on 30 0-6-0's for the first quarter and pointed out that some of his orders might have to be cancelled or transferred to other builders - Charlie approved the whole business and it will go out over Amory Houghton's signature. In my opinion, G.E. and Whitcomb will have plenty of diesel electric work for a long time to come in spite of Charlie's dire predictions. [[red left arrow]]
 Wrote a memo for Stevenson on my ill starred visit to Cherry yesterday - a complete flop - a the problem back in our lap where it has been all along. 

I guess I should have gone back to work tonight but no one else was so I'm here now after a drink at the Mayflower with the gang, [[red underline]] about to do a little work [[/red underline]] on my general letter of instruction to the builders.