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He's as handsome as reputed all right - had a woman across the table from me in the diner quite agog.

[[underline]] George, Joe and I [[/underline]] took a constitutional at Harrisburgh including a sandwich and glass of beer at the famed [[underline]] "Walter Harris - Mussolini" [[/underline]] place - last night loaded with soldiers and girls all pretty well on the loose on Saturday night.  [[underline]] I felt sorry for one hook nosed Jewish private, [[/underline]] slightly tight, who was simple ignored or rejected by all, girls and men both.  I think he was getting pretty desperate toward the end.

Erie. Pa.
Sunday, Sept. 6 '42
The family met me this morning but my happiness at seeing them was soon dampened when I got alone with [[underline]] Willie [[/underline]] and found her in a [[underline]] rebellious [[/underline]] state about Mother as I have ever encountered.  She says Mother insists on going everywhere she goes, is very "bossy" around the house and Willie feels she has no freedom any more.  I can well imagine what it may be like as I have been through many trying times.  This evening [[underline]] I tried to broach Mother [[/underline]] the possibility of her going [[underline]] to Syracuse [[/underline]] and wished I never mentioned it - of course. I had to do it in such a way she wouldn't think Willie had been complaining and I got myself terribly involved before it was over.  Mother says frankly [[underline]] she doesn't want to be alone [[/underline]] even though she is much, much better.  So [[underline]] I am torn [[/underline]] between loyalty to my Mother and loyalty to my wife and I see no answer - absolutely none at the moment. I can't insist on Mother going and yet I know that Willie, none too strong anyway, is taking a [[underline]] nervous beating [[/underline]] there with me away most of the time.  It is a problem that makes me feel pretty desperate sometimes.

Transcription Notes:
Added formatting & corrected typos