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En route to Washington
Tuesday, Sept. 8, '42.

I spent the morning catching up on things I couldn't do yesterday -getting my glasses fixed, searching unsuccessfully for Schick Injector razor blades at many drug stores, going to the bank, etc. etc. After a pleasant lunch with Jack Huether, I took on my job of chairmanning the afternoon session on Industrial Haulage. I gave a [[underline]] talk on operation under L-97 [[/underline]] that drew a bunch of questions and [[underline]] some of my answers [[/underline]], which were from WPB's point of view, [[underline]] didn't please Whitey [[/underline]] who rose to state his viewpoint, and we had quite a [[underline]] bantering match. [[/underline]] Whitey told the gang he was practically out of work (although he now has more orders on the books than ever before) but that's his way of pushing the district to action I guess. He is going [[underline]] to cease our MO program [[/underline]] Oct. 1st and build only what is on order. I don't know as I agree with that fully although I do agree caution should be exercised. Well, it was a good meeting and [[underline]] I was congratulated by many [[/underline]] - so I [[underline]] felt pretty good [[/underline]] when we left. A couple of drinks in the Commodore Perry Room and I was [[underline]] off for the 6 PM for Washington feeling somewhat a cross between a hero and a martyr.

Willie tried today [[/underline]] to make up for her recent outbursts about the situation at home and told me she could and would carry on and not to worry, which helped me a lot.

[[underline]] Shap was on [[/underline]] the train tonight and actually sought me out after dinner and we talked very happily until 10 PM in the wash room. He told me about his work - inquired warily about the chances of his getting a job on WPB - took a couple of sly cracks at Eddie's doing some business - but all in all it was a pleasant evening with him.