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Washington. D.C.
Friday Sept 11. '42.

Wrote minutes of Aug. 14 allocation meeting - one locomotive isn't cleared up yet - jacked up Charlie Helsper to get the export stuff cleaned up, listened to more woe from Frank Birbeck of Kaiser who's a pu sher if ever there was one, got some dope on mica requirements from GE and Westinghouse, reassured Eisenman of Brookville we're trying to help him. Charlie got back from Canada today and I guess the change did him good. There is a great hullaballoo now because it is believed Alco has built all the diesels authorized for 1942 and is now operating outside the law. Stevenson is personally poring over the records trying to find out if he himself is in the bucket and is learning what a half baked, slip-shod job was done in keeping track of things making it almost impossible now to go back and reconcile anything.

Ed Harley, Vic, Marshall and I had seafood and beer at Naylor's tonight after an unsuccessful search along the waterfront for hard shell crabs, and I was back at the hotel early. I phoned home and couldn't reach them until 11 PM which had me worried. But all was well - they had been to see the play-off game at the ball park which Erie lost. All are well and Willie sounded cheerful. I wrote her quite a letter tonight trying to explain my position a little better and assure her I do appreciate what she's doing even though in my characteristic way, I fail to show it, one of my greatest failings. I felt relieved to talk to home and went to sleep feeling much better and calmer than I have for some time. I only hope that things there will improve - they'll simply have to some way.

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