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                  Washington, D.C.
               Saturday, Sept 12,'42
   The date Charlie Helsper and I had with BEW for this morning fell through because Rodney Long was out of town - so another delay getting Davenport and Brookville and the others straightened out. The Porter situation is bad as I have noted before and had a long talk with Charlie Creasser about it this afternoon culminating in his phoning Rehorst who was quite reasonable and agreed to cooperate in paring down their program to something they can reasonably expect to handle. That was considerable relief because I have been terribly worried about that situation ever since Charlie decided to dump 30 0-6-0's on them for the first quarter with no provision for handling the stuff forced out. Now we can go to work.
   Frank Birbank of Kaiser  made the remark today that maybe "a little publicity" would help the locomotive situation along and it wouldn't surprise me if it wound up in a hell of a lot of publicity with maybe the Kaiser job as the fuse that sets it off. Charlie Creasser almost welcomed the Kaiser situation feeling we need something like that to wake up some of these complacent people here who don't think locomotive production is important.
  Ed, Vic Marsh and I "having one on" tonight starting at the Mayflower with about 4 and winding up at the New Orleans where Vic was weaving all around the place asking everybody to dance Ed Hasley was arguing with various people and I was trying my best to keep the boys in some kind of line. Thanks to Vic I had to dance with Evangeline Balfour, the handwriting analyst because Vic brought her up and offered her to me.