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She's built like a beer keg and was rather worked up for some reason, hopping around and continually changing her grip on you until you wished the music would stop and stay stopped. Ed and I met a young couple, the husband being in OPA's rent compliance section. When I mentioned I was from Erie, he said at once, "You've got one tough operator up there- the toughest one in the country- George Baldwin. We didn't fool with him at all. We just clamped down hard and he had to comply or go to jail!" So George's fame is wide spread.
Washington, D.C.
Sunday, Sept. 13.'42

We had agreed to meet Charlie at Allie's Inn for breakfast this morning and although we really went overboard last night in a mild way, I struggled up at 7 AM and was there at 8. Vic, to my surprise was there too but not Ed nor Marshall. The Inn was closed so Charlie, Mrs. Charlie, Dorothy Fairbank, Vic, and I had breakfast at the Mayflower and were at the office at 9 AM. I worked until 1 PM on Kardex getting the GE file in top shape, slipped uptown for lunch and then returned to work until 7 PM.  Bob Van Zandt and I were there alone in the afternoon, seeing some interesting maneuvers on the back porch of the red stone house behind the building. It goes on every day but nothing is done about it. I should think that some sanctimonious soul would register a complaint. They never swing the curtained windows around until the last minute.

Marsh and I, after a half hours search, finally got in O'Donnell's where we had supper. All eating spots were loaded and the streets jammed with people.

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