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the blow-up I've been expecting and in a way I'm glad of it because it gives me a reason for washing my hands of the worst scheduling situation and problem that exists in the Section. [[right bracket]] It is a lousy mess and will be unduly hard to straighten out because you are dealing with an incompetent, unreasonable and in my opinion, actually unethical crowd of people. It is stupid of Evans to make the accusation that a company like GE. needs to stoop to such means to get business - utterly stupid and the action he has taken simply marks him as unqualified to run an organization. Actually he should welcome help from WPB to straighten out an ungodly mess he has made for himself - no one wants to crucify anybody but we do want to perform our function of scheduling locomotive production in an efficient, reasonable way for the good of the war effort. guess it was too much to hope that Evans would snap out of his puerile ways for the sake of the war and act like a man and not a spoiled child. And the astounding part of it all is that he got the Army-Navy E for successful production! From what I know about it, it stinks! Charlie makes light of this incident as far as I'm concerned but it may go farther unjustified as it is. Well, I am ready to go anytime and my company is anxious for me to leave - so it it come.

We had the Allocation Meeting today for October shipments and it went very smoothly with less grabbing and holding up. We laid the Kaiser problem before the committee and it got no sympathy - Kipp of the Navy suggested they get second hand steam - he had 25 good