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He has good ideas. He is putting on a sloping roof with eaves, a feature I didn't have on the first one. He has used ingenuity in getting lumber too -- cleared a field for some man in return for some old boards. He is a great boy; I think he is developing well. He now sells Collins, American and Woman's Home Companion and make's 15 or 20¢ a week on that. I give him 10¢ allowance and have a standing offer to make it 15¢ any time he will brush his teeth regularly twice a day but have had no success. Thank heaven he has good teeth. We should [[underline]] make[[/underline]] him do it but somehow we don't.

I forgot to mention that Friday afternoon I had my eyes examined by Dr. Delaney who said I have an "excellent pair." I got my new horned rimmed glasses yesterday so am all fixed up now according to Delaney for another four years, when I'll need bifocals.

The fourth game of the Erie-Canton play off was due this afternoon and I drove Bab and Rog up and left them there to pick up after the game. But it was called on account of wet grounds. However, they now have their rain checks and are much elated as they know they can see the game come what may. They all drove me to the train and I felt I left a much happier family than when I left for Washington last time. I sat in the Eddie's diner and ate my dinner in content, looking out at the passing countryside just beginning to turn to autumn faintly. I knew in my heart I had found at last what I had been looking for and I was glad. Now my job is to keep up this game and make good on my pledge Friday night as I held my Babbie's and my Rogie's hands there in the darkness. ^[[)]]