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[[red pencil checkmark and bullet point]] We all worked at the office until about 11:30 again. Ed Harley gave Joe and me some lessons in steam locomotive design while I wrestled with such specialties as thermic syphons, circulators injectors, etc. Periodically during the evening [[red underline]] Jack Hogrett of Plymouth [[/red underline]] phoned in to invite us to his place at the Ambassador "any time up to 4AM" and getting drunker by the minute. As a matter of fact he had been drinking steadily since mid-afternoon. He was in the terrible B. & O. wreck this morning near Frederic, Md, where they estimate 20 people were killed when a flyer plowed into the rear end of another passenger train and then a freight came along on the next track and mashed through both of them! Jack was on the train that did the plowing so he wasn't hurt but he was drowning all memory of it tonight. He has been trying for a long time to get [[red underline]] Kathryn [[/red underline]] to come down to one of his parties including the one tonight and I told her today that if she ever went, I'd spank her personally.  She is a beautiful, innocent, carefree youngster and I'd hate to see her get mixed up in anything like what goes on at Jack's affairs. I know she's curious and would like to go just to see what they're like - well, a crowd of drunken, middle aged men aren't nice to see or be with.

[[red pencil check mark and bullet point]] One of our standing jokes recently has been that we so frequently run into J. Edgar Hoover, head of FBI. This week in two days we saw him three times - lunch at Allies Inn, at Harvey's and at the Mayflower. The joke is that he must be on our trail

[[red pencil check mark and bullet point]] Today I got my "Dollar a Year" certificate signed by Donald Nelson - so now I'm really in. [[red pencil close bracket]]

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