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Washington, D.C.
Friday, Sept. 25, '42.

[[red pencil 'x' and bullet point]] Breakfasted with Earl Bill who unburdened his mind of a lot of troubles at Erie with the Army inspector and revealed some more bad blood between Earl and Jack Hause.  I wish they would leave me alone on this Erie trivia while I'm down here. Later Jack told me over the phone his side of the story and I'm almost sure to do or say something that will have me in the middle on a thing I know almost nothing about. Whitey isn't impressed with Earl; I thought he had been doing a pretty good job with the Army & Navy.

[[red pencil 'x' and bullet point]] I forgot to record yesterday some comments of Whitey's regarding [[strikethrough]] G [[/strikethrough]] C.E. Wilson's appointment on WPB. Whitey thinks he is going to get Donald Nelson's job and that he was glad to get out of GE because Swope bothered him to death. On second thought: I believe it was Charlie Creasser who said he thought Wilson would take Nelson's job. Well, he has a whale of a job ahead of him regardless of what he does.

I phoned Willie about 8:30AM to see if all was well there, and finding it is, I decided to stay over the weekend and go home early next week. Bab has had a little cold but is going back to school today. Rog is elated because Erie won the baseball championships. Willie sounded quite cheerful and didn't seem to take my staying too hard. It was good to talk to her. Rog answered the phone too. 

[[red pencil checkmark and bullet point]] Last night Jack Casey and Charlie McBride took Jenny Port and a friend out for dinner, drinks and dancing until 2AM as it was [[heavy red underline]] Jenny's [[/heavy red underline]] birthday. I was invited but turned it down because of working. It is probably just as well although I would have like to be there to show Jenny I am interested in her. I should be

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