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after the years she worked for me in Erie.

[[red pencil checkmark and bullet point]] Rodney Long of BEW is much disturbed over a letter I wrote to GE saying BEW had advised us (WPB) that the third Mexican 44 ton is to be cancelled. He is afraid it may get back to the Mexican Government and disturb relations because it would appear that BEW was a party to taking something away from them. So we are mixed up in international politics too. I am having the letter withdrawn but GE. has already written I.GE so the cat may be out of the bag. My letter stated facts - but it should not have mentioned BEW - laid all blame on the army. Ah me! 
[[red pencilled checkmark and bullet point]] Henry Bichel, Jeffersonville, Ind. order a 35 ton locomotive from Plymouth after having ordered a 25 ton from GE. Both were up for Oct shipment and were approved by the Allocation Committee. Bichel only wanted one unit actually and the Navy told us he would cancel the GE order - then they said he wouldn't. In the meantime both GE and Plymouth shipped their locomotive within a day of each other and Bichel has them both!
[[red pencilled checkmark and bullet point]] Andy Campbell gave the gang a delightful buffet supper followed by a poker game tonight at his apartment and we all relaxed - I to the extent of losing $3.25. My luck at poker the last two times has been atrocious! I think I won three pots all evening. Mrs. Campbell and their son Jack, a nice boy about 18, were there and Charlie Creasser's wife. It was a really very lovely evening in a home atmosphere and was certainly a pleasant change from our hotel-restaurant-office-life.