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Had a session with Whitey, after Miss Giblin had told me I must be doing a good job because every time Whitey comes back from Washington he's puffed up like a pouter pigeon. He wants a letter from Stevenson or Kayler to use to combat the pressure Chet Lang is putting on him to get me out of WPB.

Rog and Bob are fine except Roy has scraped his face again but only superficially. I get the greatest kick out of them both when I get home. 

This evening we went out to Jack & Martha's for some movies of their So. American wedding trip and then a Tripoley session. Chuck and Elsa being there too. It was another late session with us home about 1:45 AM - too much. 

Erie, Pa. 
Saturday, Oct. 3, '42. 

I didn't try to get to work on time this morning; I was too tired and got up about 7:45. Disconnected the gas stove in anticipation of the new one arriving today, and stopped at Hess to get my new glasses adjusted. Then went to the office where I first settled up my G.E. expense account with a check for $360 - they have been financing me largely until I could get my government expense money rolling. Our financial condition now is good with a bank balance of $1160 Oct. 1st and buying $50 of Defence Bonds each month to boot. But the income tax next spring will be a pip.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Dick Miller, Herb Hartley and Jack House put me through the inquisition this morning about WPB and made me realize there still is a hell of a lot to be done. Dick took me through the shop and the rearrangement and addition to Bldg. 26 are about completed, giving us a layout to be proud of. 

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