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[[x, bullet point]]  As I was about to leave for dinner by myself, in walks Vic by himself and I was sure glad to see him.  He told me all about his day with the plan - was pretty tickled with things.  He polished off three "balls" while I had a couple more and we had dinner together.  During dinner he proposed we invite Dorothy Fairbank and Kathryn Gavin to dinner tomorrow night as long as we would be here alone.  I agreed because they have worked hard, done a lot for us for months and I believe we owe them something. So Vic will see if he can line it up; it certainly would make an otherwise lonesome Saturday night into something reasonably cheerful. They are both nice, wholesome, attractive  youngsters and I believe they would appreciate it.

[[x]] After dinner I phoned Willie and found all well at home which was a relief.  I told her I want her to come down here for a weekend if we can possibly arrange it and I do hope it can be done because Willie certainly deserves a trip to break the monotony of Erie life with me away so much.  I think possibly Mother will agree to stay with the children for a couple of days.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Everyone is feeling blue over the situation in the Solomons where the Japs have taken the initiative away from us, landed big forces and are about to start a major drive which has all the earmarks of being a disaster for us.  Something is wrong somewhere.  The situation in Russia continues reasonably favorable with the Germans more or less stymied at Stalingrad and suffering terrific losses and winter rapidly approaching.  But all in all we appear to be along way from victory and the road to it is going to be the toughest one this country ever trod.

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