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One of the most amusing things of my WPB career happened today. Capt. Baldwin of Ordnance called me up and the conversation went something as follows:

Baldwin - "Who wanted that Sullivan Steel 65 ton diesel locomotive that was held up at the Allocation Committee meeting last Thursday?"

Craton - "No one in particular, Captain, according to my notes. My impression was that nearly everyone wanted it."

Baldwin - "Well, a terrible thing has happened to me! Right now there are five officers from the Tank & Combat Vehicle Section of the Ordnance Dept. sitting around my desk. You know, that telegram you sent to Sullivan Saturday telling them what had happened. Well, when they got it, they phoned General Christmas and put up a terrible howl. It seems this locomotive is for their new cast armor plant and they are one of our biggest builders. I should have been in there Thursday sponsoring them but I didn't know it."

Craton - "Well, I can't see that should have anything to do with their trying to get a second hand steam engine."

Baldwin - "Oh, no, that's all right. But we want to be positive they get something and please don't let that diesel go to anyone else without letting us know first. I'm just terribly embarrassed about this thing."

So for once we caught the Army with its neck stuck out a mile on the second hand locomotive question, for the American Steel Foundry 65 ton diesel is precisely the same situation and it was held up too!