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Washington, D.C.
Friday, Oct. 23, '42.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] [[underlined]] Joe Rowbottom [[/underlined]] back today after his sojourn at Hot Springs at the Foundry Convention.  Joe is a stamp collector and an ardent one with a valuable collection - has a block of every U.S. commemorative uncancelled except the $1 to $5 Columbian Issue.  Would love to see his collection.  Joe took his usual razzing about "Andy" (Stevenson) and at lunch in the drugstore today I addressed the big chief as [[underlined]] "Doctor" [[/underlined]] and did I take a razzing on that - "trying to get in with the boss!"  Am absorbing a terrific [[underlined]] razzing [[/underlined]] from Marshall Mat and Joe on taking [[underlined ]] Charlie to Erie - Vic doesn't razz, [[/underlined]] probably because he wasn't too pleased in his innermost heart; I suspect him of that.  At lunch "Andy" kidded me about my suggestion he hire some [[underlined]] college girls [[/underlined]] for us - I think the Chief is a pretty good egg and quite human.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Got [[underlined]] Hap [[/underlined]] released on 3 Navy 50's today and 20 Army 65's which puts him in [[underlined]] good shape [[/underlined]] release-wise - much [[underlined]] better than G.E. [[/underlined]]  They come last while I'm on the job here.  [[underlined]] Dark clouds [[/underlined]] gathering on the [[underlined]] engine horizon [[/underlined]] foreshadow a heavy battle for the small builders to keep them going without serious interruption.  Schedules are slipping badly now for lack of material.  The clamp down on Porter is nearing - they have only [[underlined]] 43 [[/underlined]] different types of locomotives on their schedule at present!

[[x]] Discovered today why GE's release wire for November was late.  Some place, using up obsolete printed envelopes, forgot to readdress one used to transmit the wire from one place to another and it wound up in a defunct department where it lay for several days before being discovered!

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Last thing tonight, Stevenson told Charlie the "Guinea Pig" ^[[allocation scheme]] had been okayed by the requirements committee and is to be put into effect soon.

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