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say that was the most intricate, compact piece of machinery there is made!" And in there he could see in flesh and blood and steel and copper what it means to have a copper allocation summarily slashed 50%. We walked through control with its many intricate devices and wound up in 10 and 26 where Dick Miller had things looking perfect, with plenty of activity from 5 ton mine engines up to the first two 250 ton New Havens taking shape. Charlie said he'd like to spend a week at Erie and I think he would be very content to really study production. As far as I was concerned, it was a morning of pride and pleasure such as I have not spent in some time.

^[[red check mark and dot]] We had lunch at the plant with the factory organization including Mulvey, Miller, Geiger, Blair, Suleshin, Whittier, Videtto, Jack Hause, etc. and followed it with an informal round table discussion at which Charlie made a hit and the crowd made a hit with him.

^[[red check mark over dot]] I spent the rest of the afternoon in the office with Jack while Mulvey took Charlie through the turbine and gun-mount shops with which he was tremendously impressed also. Rushed home, had a hair cut, cleaned up and Willie and I were off at 6:20 for the hotel to pick up Charlie and Jerry and go on to the Shrine Club for dinner with Whitey, Carol, Dick Miller and his wife, and Gouldy and Doris. After dinner we repaired to the Hawaiian Room of the Laurence for a little dancing and drinking and Willie was the best looking girl at the whole affair. It was a good evening with much well controlled fun and Whitey a perfect host. I know the guests of honor enjoyed it and I'm sure we did too. I should say that today was a marked success.