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En route to Washington
Sunday, Oct. 25, 1942.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] The only trouble with this weekend was that I didn't see enough of Mother and the children.  This morning was like old times with breakfast at 9AM and me cooking my usual omelet on the new gas stove - and Bab and Rog consuming great quantities of coffee cake as they always do.  I washed the car, put the garden hose in the cellar (wondering if in its delapidated condition it would last another summer and if not, what would I do), tossed a few passes to Rog, noted another cellar window broken, met our new neighbor, Mr. Bardow of Windsor Electric and fresh from Long Island (wife related to Alf Landon so he told me), fixed furnace, etc. Still not much time to see the family.

Picked up Charlie and Gerry at noon and drove them up to Glenwood, then through South Shore and around the Penninsula stopping at Perry Memorial.  It was the trip I love to take strangers to Erie on and it was appreciated by them - the autumn woods, the lovely land-locked harbor, the great blue expanse of lake, the air of history about it all and at the same time the sense of tremendous activity nearby.  And then home to meet the whole family and have a grand Sunday dinner (Willie had been in consternation yesterday when Gerry mentioned Charlie wouldn't eat lamb but we had it - only thing we could get - and Charlie came back for more) followed by a B&B.  It all went beautifully - Willie had the house looking lovely and the children and Mother added so much to it.  After dinner Charlie and I passed a football with Rog for an all too short while for me, and then I had to pack again - like I'd been home no time at all.

At 4:40 we were at the Erie Club for Whitey's cocktail party - Jack and Martha, Richards, Truesdales,

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