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blond youngster that they may well be proud of. The Graces have a small apartment consisting of living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath - and Mrs. Grace does her own cooking. It evidently is a tremendous change from their life in Chicago where they own a veritable mansion and quite obviously have a great deal of money - are close friends and neighbors of the Knowlsons, know Justice Jackson, and other notables.
The Commander mixed some martinis before dinner and in spite of my aversion for martinis, I really enjoyed his. Two of them put me at ease completely and we proceeded to a charming meal in candelight on the tiny table pulled out into the center of the living room. There was sherry with the dinner and coffee afterward seated about the davenport, accompanied by the Commander's licorice apricot brandy. The evening was spent conversing about many things in a chatty, light way that was delightful and I felt thoroughly at home. And it was delightful too to see the way that the Graces had with each other - more like a couple of youngsters than a couple with a nearly grown up daughter. About 9:45 I got up to leave not wanting to wear out my welcome and proposed to walk back to the hotel, about a mile. So they proposed to walk part way with me and wound up walking all the way; down past the cathedral grounds, crunching through the fallen leaves in the crisp, clean air, past many lovely houses on shaded pretty streets we went arm in arm, never quite sure we were going the right way but very sure we were having a pleasant, clean time together. The Commander likes to play tennis and I got an invitation to play some Sunday and then come to dinner - also to visit the Cathedral some Sunday with them. We ended the evening at the Wardman Park, I walking through the lobby carrying the Commander's cane which he is not to use in uniform