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En route to Washington
Sunday, Nov. 1, 1942.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Arose at 9:00 AM, dressed leisurely, had my omelette breakfast and thoroughly enjoyed family life today.  I temporarily patched up a new broken cellar window, fixed up some kindling wood, put some old anti-freeze in the car, tightened the radiator hoses, inspected the place and found no damage due to Halloween last night - too rainy - wrote my journal up, attended to accounts, helped Rog with his model airplane, ran off some new movies of the children - very good - read the paper, visited, passed the football with Rog - oh, it was really nice.  Took Babbie to church and sunday school, raised her allowance to 50¢ a week and Rog to 25¢.  I tried to comfort Mother, who seems to be getting very nervous again and apparently has no idea of leaving until after Christmas, when she may go to Syracuse.  The weekend was all too brief and at six o'clock I boarded the Puddlejumper once more to go back to what now is developing into a grind.

^[[ (New Chapter) ]]

Washington, D.C.
Monday, Nov. 2, 1942.

[[checkmark, bullet point]] Hap Huleguard in today and spent about all day with him pursuing diesel engines.  The only success we had was the obtaining from John O'Farrell of a AA2X for tough engines to get - and that was easy to get and not a soul in our section knew it was to be had!

[[checkmark, bullet point]] This evening I was invited to a Baldwin dinner being thrown in honor of Hap at the Mayflower and at which some of Hap's recent bag of duck and pheasant were served.  It was one of the most delightful and best engineered parties I have ever attended.  It was held in a luxurious suite with drinking from about 6:30 to 8PM while the crowd assembled - the crowd was composed of Brinley,

Transcription Notes:
This annotion 'new chapter' is rare indication of what the red pencil markings are potentially for.