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En route to Erie,
Friday, Nov. 13, 1942.

[[crossed checkmark]] Found out today I can't have Miss Braunstein because they are hiring some man of questionable ability to help Marshall and me keep the records.

[[checkmark]] Talked to George Koch about his troubles and worked about all day on Kardex.  Capt. Baldwin unearthed a strange GE order for two 80 ton diesels for Lake Ontario Ordnance that even GE didn't seem to know much of anything about, and which was supposed at one time to have been on Porter's books, but doesn't appear there now. [[checkmark]]  Carnegie-Illinois came in with a letter indicating they are going to cancel 3-80's and 2-45's on Porter and put them on GE; also there are rumors they are feeling around for a flock of special locos now on Porter's books with a view to cancelling the latter.  So help me, I had nothing to do with either deal but Evans will never believe it.  And then to cap the climax, I just by chance happened to see a Porter letter on Charlie's desk marked "Confidential" and pertaining to the Pittsburgh Steel job and implicating me someway in a very shady move connected thereto.  So Porter is after my hide definitely.  The letter to Charlie disturbed and angered me greatly because I absolutely had no ulterior motive in the deal and merely got in on it at Charlie's insistence.

[[X]] Met Earl and John Downie on the 6:55.  Learned Frank Blanchard, my old Caterpillar friend, died recently and very suddenly, a shock to me.  We took the usual walk around Harrisburg and [[underlined]] snow [[/underlined]] began to fall as we returned to [[checkmark]] the depot.  [[underlined]] I went to sleep thinking of porter and wishing I were out of the whole sorry mess. [[/underlined]]