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10.) Stevenson addressed the meeting and painted a rather dark picture of future production due to copper and engine shortages and ruthless "screening" of need.
11.) At conclusion of meeting, Jack Hogsett, for the record, says the builders are delighted with the service they get from us and he offers a vote of thanks. Motion loudly seconded - except by Evans as nearly as I could determine in the confusion.

Late in the afternoon after the meeting I was called into Charlie's office where Evans, Rehorst, Charlie, Ed and Mat were assembled, and a hot session followed with no punches pulled. Evans accused me of everything he has had on his mind and I told him in no uncertain terms I was getting heartily tired of his everlasting needling. He practically called Mat a liar once and got tough with Ed and they came back plenty strong. But he is hopeless; I've given up ever making him see the light of reason or responsibility or cooperation. He acts like a spoiled child.

Henry invited Mat and me to have a drink with him at the Lafayette where he was to meet Geiger at 5:30 PM.  We couldn't find Carl but had a few drinks - in fact for some reason, Henry and Mat began to get pretty tight and I wasn't too good although I eased off.  At any rate, Henry and Mat hit it off 100% (both from Virginia) and the upshot was that Henry was persuaded to stay over particularly as Tom [[?Wurts]] was supposed to come tomorrow to discuss electrical equipment. So the three of us proceeded to the Wardman Park about 7:30 to attend Paul

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